Hello beautiful soul,
I’m grateful that you’re here.

Vibe High Fitness was created with the intention to be a safe place for women to move freely. To allow yourself to be seen and heard and to connect back to oneself through conscious movement.

Meet Your Coach

Cami Sullivan | Coach Cam
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Founder and Creator of Vibe High Fitness

As your coach, my goal is to teach you to move your body
in ways that feel good and fun yet, not forceful. I help clients unlearn the “all or nothing” mindset as it leads to perfectionism and burn out. Together we will cultivate balance, move your body in ways that make you feel good, and grow your confidence by tapping into your authenticity.

  • Hello Friends, Coach Cam here. I’m going to share a little about myself so that we can connect on a deeper level.

    At the age of 4, I started T ball. As you can tell, I was introduced to sports very early on in life. For this, I am very thankful as sports taught me how to work together as a team player, how to be active and socialize, but most importantly, how to practice a skill and become good at it. A perfect recipe for building confidence. I was dialed in on becoming the best player I could be. I was a pitcher and outfielder and practiced any chance I had.

    Around the age 9, I up leveled my game play and tried out for a traveling softball team for a chance to play at a higher level. I Immediately fell in love with the act of pushing myself and advancing my skill level. I was no longer the best player on the team and really had to be disciplined and execute my actions for my skill level to advance — which it did over the next several, consistent years of playing.

    I played until I was 18 years old when I then made the conscious decision to stop playing. Even though I genuinely loved the sport and became really good at it, I was overwhelmed with the feeling of fatigue and became quite burnt out. I felt like playing softball was becoming more forceful and less fun. So I quit.

    This was the very first time in my life I had to reinvent who I was outside of sports. I had to learn what balance truly meant since my entire life consisted of zero balance and was mostly dedicated to a sport. This was very challenging as I felt very lost, confused and frustrated. I didn’t know my identity outside of sports. From this point, I didn’t give up on myself. But instead, I started trying new things, moving my body in different ways but most importantly, I remained open to learning about myself. The more I remained open, the more intuitive I became with my body.

    This became an empowering, pivotal point in my life as I truly felt balanced for the first time. My energy felt lighter inside of my body and I started to feel like me again, but embodied on a higher vibration. From here, I became a certified personal trainer and started coaching in local gyms. The more I coached the more I developed my niche.

    Most of us have heard the quote, “I once was lost, but now I am found.” If you are lost, or don’t know where to begin on your health and fitness journey, I was too. It can be scary, confusing and overwhelming if you let it consume you. Instead, let this nervousness excite you. Lean into the unknown and trust that you are exactly where you need to be at this very moment. You don’t have to go through this journey alone, I want to support you, guide you and elevate you on your journey. If my testimony speaks to you and you are looking for accountability and guidance to level up your life, let’s chat. :)